The Autopilot Mode function can now be assigned and controlled correctly with a keyboard key.Fixed an issue with some models not appearing under the Model > Select menu (e.g."Enable model collision" option now functions correctly in multiplayer mode.◦Random Engine failure now functions correctly with helicopters and multi-rotor models ◦Fixed an issue with Spot Landing high-score not being saved ◦Props and rotors now rotate under the model select window ◦Fixed an issue with session not re-listing on the master server after a disconnect ◦Fixed an issue with duplicate sessions with same name ◦Improved banning system with permanent banning that carries over to consequent sess ◦Can now select chat lines and use CTRL+C to copy them to the clipboard ◦No longer shows IP address of servers in lobby ◦All your text-chat is now saved in your "Documents > PhoenixRC > chatlog.txt" file ◦Can now resize the multiplayer toolbar and chat-box ◦"Over-sized model" warning only appears at correct time Multiplayer improvements and fixes: ◦Re-added model -> model collisions.Improved SAFE autopilot physics and modes.

Improved model editing system lets you completely control each models flight characteristics in detail.
Companion software lets you import 3D geometry definitions from almost any program so that you can fly creations of your own, then share online.
Improved airplane physics rebuilt from the ground up, plus industry-leading heli physics, provide ultimate realism and accuracy.Giver mulighed for at flyve med andre over Internettet. Leveres med USB kabel som passer til Spektrum / JR / Graupner sendere (3,5mm Jack-stik).Īdapterkabler til andre sendere købes separat.